Natural crushed silica sand to be used as a finish in FUTURFLOOR pavements. It provides hardness and flexibility to the finishes where it is applied, as well as a decorative effect.

• Silica sand for pavements. Provides decorative effects.
• Improves hardness and flexibility in applications where it is included.
• Very easy to use and mix with products.
• Resistance to permanent contact with water without loss of its properties.

It is applied to epoxy and self-leveling floors, providing hardness.
The dosage and particle size depend on the application. As indicative data we can consider the following.

FUTURFLOOR EPOXI PRO Granulometry: 0.2-0.4 mm, Recommended quantity: 250-500 g/m2
FUTURFLOOR SELF-LEVELING EPOXY Granulometry: 0.2-0.4 mm, Recommended quantity 1.8 Kg/m2
FUTURFLOOR EPOXI CV Granulometry: 0.2-0.4 mm, Recommended quantity 1.6-1.7 Kg/m2
FUTURFLOOR EPOXI PU 2K Granulometry: 0.2-0.4 mm, Recommended quantity 0.4-0.9 Kg/m2

• Very useful in all types of construction companies, quick repair contracts, masonry in general, community maintenance, waterproofing, etc.
• It is used to improve the mechanical properties of the soil where it is applied.
• Provides hardness and flexibility to the soils where it is applied.

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